The NIMH is eager to be apprised of publications resulting from use of the Chemical Synthesis and Drug Supply Program (CSDSP)compounds it has supplied. In light of budgetary restrictions, The CSDSP frequently needs to justify its existence. If you find its service useful, please keep the CSDSP informed of your published results (see contacts).
In addition, please indicate in the Materials & Methods section of your publication that the compounds were obtained from the NIMH Chemical Synthesis and Drug Supply Program. If you are aware of key references about CSDSP compounds, please contact the CSDSP and the references will be added to the compound information page.
NIMH CSDSP referencing publications:
Ng, K., Pollock, M., Escobedo, A., Bachman, B., Miyazaki, N., Bartlett, E.L. and Sangha, S., Suppressing fear in the presence of a safety cue requires infralimbic cortical signaling to central amygdala, Neuropsychopharmacology, 49(2), pp.359-367 (2024).
Piquet, R., Faugère, A. and Parkes, S.L., A hippocampo-cortical pathway detects changes in the validity of an action as a predictor of reward, Current Biology, 2024.34(1), pp.24-35.
Abiero, A.R., Context and neuroinflammation in the posterior dorsomedial striatum impair different aspects of goal-directed decision-making, PhD diss., 2023.
Binette, A.N., Liu, J., Bayer, H., Crayton, K.L., Melissari, L., Sweck, S.O. and Maren, S., . . Journal of Neu Parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex regulate stress-induced fear extinction impairments in male and female rats, Journal of Neuroscience, 2023, 43(22), pp.4162-4173.
Zhu, D., Zhang, J., Gao, F., Hu, M., Hashem, J. and Chen, C., Augmentation of 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling in astrocytes maintains synaptic functionality by regulation of miRNA-30b, Experimental Neurology, 2023, 361, p.114292.
Fratta, S., Biniecka, P., Moreno-Vargas, A.J., Carmona, A.T., Nahimana, A., Duchosal, M.A., Piacente, F., Bruzzone, S., Caffa, I., Nencioni, A. and Robina, I., Synthesis and structure-activity relationship of new nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase inhibitors with antitumor activity on solid and haematological cancer, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 250, p.115170 (2023).
Lewis, V., Bonniwell, E.M., Lanham, J.K., Ghaffari, A., Sheshbaradaran, H., Cao, A.B., Calkins, M.M., Bautista-Carro, M.A., Arsenault, E., Telfer, A. and Taghavi-Abkuh, F.F., A non-hallucinogenic LSD analog with therapeutic potential for mood disorders, Cell reports, 42(3) (2023).
Wang, W., Xie, X., Zhuang, X., Huang, Y., Tan, T., Gangal, H., Huang, Z., Purvines, W., Wang, X., Stefanov, A. and Chen, R., Striatal ?-opioid receptor activation triggers direct-pathway GABAergic plasticity and induces negative affect, Cell reports 42(2) (2023).
Verpeut, J.L., Bergeler, S., Kislin, M., William Townes, F., Klibaite, U., Dhanerawala, Z.M., Hoag, A., Janarthanan, S., Jung, C., Lee, J. and Pisano, T.J., Cerebellar contributions to a brainwide network for flexible behavior in mice, Communications Biology, 6(1), p.605 (2023).
Li, Y.D., Luo, Y.J., Xie, L., Tart, D.S., Sheehy, R.N., Zhang, L., Coleman, L.G., Chen, X. and Song, J., Activation of hypothalamic-enhanced adult-born neurons restores cognitive and affective function in Alzheimer’s disease, Cell stem cell, 30(4), pp.415-432 (2023).
Cheung, T.H., Ding, Y., Zhuang, X. and Kang, U.J., Learning critically drives parkinsonian motor deficits through imbalanced striatal pathway recruitment, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(12), p.e2213093120 (2023).
Xie, X., Chen, R., Wang, X., Smith, L. and Wang, J., Activity-dependent labeling and manipulation of fentanyl-recruited striatal ensembles using ArcTRAP approach, STAR protocols, 4(3), p.102369 (2023).
Bertran-Gonzalez, J., Dinale, C. and Matamales, M., Restoring the youthful state of striatal plasticity in aged mice re-enables cognitive control of action, Current Biology, 33(10), pp.1997-2007 (2023).
Koster, K.P., Flores-Barrera, E., de la Villarmois, E.A., Caballero, A., Tseng, K.Y. and Yoshii, A., Loss of Depalmitoylation Disrupts Homeostatic Plasticity of AMPARs in a Mouse Model of Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Journal of Neuroscience, 6 December 2023, 43 (49) 8317-8335.
Lawson, K. A., Ruiz, C. M., & Mahler, S. V., A head-to-head comparison of two DREADD agonists for suppressing operant behavior in rats via VTA dopamine neuron inhibition, Psychopharmacology, 240(10), 2101-2110 (2023).
Cope, E.C., Wang, S.H., Waters, R.C., Gore, I.R., Vasquez, B., Laham, B.J. and Gould, E., Activation of the CA2-ventral CA1 pathway reverses social discrimination dysfunction in Shank3B knockout mice, Nature communications, 14(1), p.1750 (2023).
Gangal, H., Xie, X., Huang, Z., Cheng, Y., Wang, X., Lu, J., Zhuang, X., Essoh, A., Huang, Y., Chen, R. and Smith, L.N., Drug reinforcement impairs cognitive flexibility by inhibiting striatal cholinergic neurons, Nature Communications, 14(1), p.3886 (2023).
Abe, C., Katayama, C., Bazek, M., Nakamura, Y., Ohbayashi, K., Horii, K., Fujimoto, C., Tanida, M., Iwasaki, Y., Inoue, T. and Nin, F., Repeated activation of C1 neurons in medulla oblongata decreases anti-inflammatory effect via the hypofunction of the adrenal gland adrenergic response, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 111, pp.138-150 (2023).
Zanos, P., Brown, K.A., Georgiou, P., Yuan, P., Zarate, C.A., Thompson, S.M. and Gould, T.D., NMDA receptor activation-dependent antidepressant-relevant behavioral and synaptic actions of ketamine, Journal of Neuroscience, 43(6), pp.1038-1050 (2023).
Abe, C., Katayama, C., Bazek, M., Ohbayashi, K., Horii, K., Tanida, M., Nin, F. and Iwasaki, Y., Hepatic glycogenolysis and hypometabolism induced by chemogenetic stimulation of C1 neurons, The Journal of Physiology, 601(12), pp.2293-2306 (2023).
Ogbeide-Latario, O.E., Ferrari, L.L., Gompf, H.S., Anaclet, C., Two novel mouse models of slow-wave-sleep enhancement in aging and Alzheimer’s disease, Sleep Advances, 3(1), p.zpac022 (2022).
L. L. Ferrari, O. E. Ogbeide-Latario, H. S. Gompf, C. Anaclet, Validation of DREADD agonists and administration route in a murine model of sleep enhancement, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 380, 109679 (2022).
Ghanem, M.S., Caffa, I., Del Rio, A., Franco, J., Parenti, M.D., Monacelli, F., Cea, M., Khalifa, A., Nahimana, A., Duchosal, M.A. and Ravera, S., Identification of NAPRT inhibitors with anti-cancer properties by in silico drug discovery, Pharmaceuticals, 15(7), p.848 (2022).
Franco, J., Piacente, F., Walter, M., Fratta, S., Ghanem, M., Benzi, A., Caffa, I., Kurkin, A.V., Altieri, A., Herr, P. and Martínez-Bailén, M., Structure-based identification and biological characterization of new NAPRT inhibitors, Pharmaceuticals, 15(7), p.855 (2022).
Piantadosi, S.C., Manning, E.E., Chamberlain, B.L., Hyde, J., LaPalombara, Z., Bannon, N.M., Pierson, J.L., Namboodiri, V.M. and Ahmari, S.E., Hyperactivity of indirect pathway-projecting spiny projection neurons drives compulsive behavior, bioRxiv, pp.2022-02 (2022).
W.T. Doucette, E.B. Smedley, M. Ruiz-Jaquez, J.Y. Khokhar, K.S. Smith, Chronic chemogenetic manipulation of ventral pallidum targeted neurons in male rats fed an obesogenic diet, Brain Research, 1784, p.147886 (2022).
Li, Y.D., Luo, Y.J., Chen, Z.K., Quintanilla, L., Cherasse, Y., Zhang, L., Lazarus, M., Huang, Z.L. and Song, J., Hypothalamic modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice confers activity-dependent regulation of memory and anxiety-like behavior, Nature neuroscience, 25(5), pp.630-645 (2022).
Bolton, J.L., Short, A.K., Othy, S., Kooiker, C.L., Shao, M., Gunn, B.G., Beck, J., Bai, X., Law, S.M., Savage, J.C. and Lambert, J.J., Early stress-induced impaired microglial pruning of excitatory synapses on immature CRH-expressing neurons provokes aberrant adult stress responses, Cell reports, 38, 13 (2022).
Sciolino, N.R., Hsiang, M., Mazzone, C.M., Wilson, L.R., Plummer, N.W., Amin, J., Smith, K.G., McGee, C.A., Fry, S.A., Yang, C.X. and Powell, J.M., Natural locus coeruleus dynamics during feeding, Science advances, 8, 33 (2022): p.eabn9134.
McGovern, D.J., Ly, A., Ecton, K.L., Huynh, D.T., Prévost, E.D., Gonzalez, S.C., McNulty, C.J., Rau, A.R., Hentges, S.T., Daigle, T.L. and Tasic, B., Ventral tegmental area glutamate neurons mediate nonassociative consequences of stress, Molecular Psychiatry, pp.1-12 (2022).
Décarie-Spain L, Liu CM, Lauer LT, Subramanian K, Bashaw AG, Klug ME, Gianatiempo IH, Suarez AN, Noble EE, Donohue KN, Cortella AM, Hahn JD, Davis EA, Kanoski SE, Ventral hippocampus-lateral septum circuitry promotes foraging-related memory, Cell reports, 2022.40(13).
Nawreen, N., Prefrontal Cortex in Stress Related Disorders: Characterizing the Role of Inhibitory Gabaergic Parvalbumin Interneurons in Stress Related Illnesses, University of Cincinnati ProQuest Dissert. Pub., 2022.29730341
Monday, H.R., Kharod, S.C., Yoon, Y.J., Singer, R.H. and Castillo, P.E., Presynaptic FMRP and local protein synthesis support structural and functional plasticity of glutamatergic axon terminals, Neuron, 110(16), pp.2588-2606 (2022).
Delevich, K., Hoshal, B., Zhang, Y., Vedula, S., Collins, A.G. and Wilbrecht, L., Activation But Not Inhibition of the Indirect Pathway Disrupts Choice Suppression in a Freely Moving, Multiple Choice Foraging Task, Cell Reports, 40, 111129 (2022).
Hu, M., Zhu, D., Zhang, J., Gao, F., Hashem, J., Kingsley, P., Marnett, L.J., Mackie, K. and Chen, C., Enhancing endocannabinoid signalling in astrocytes promotes recovery from traumatic brain injury, Brain, 2022, 145(1), pp.179-193.
Tickerhoof, M., She Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Regulation of Social Conflict-Induced Changes in Social Behavior and Attachment by the Amygdala and Extended Amygdala, University of Kansas ProQuest Dissert. Pub., 2022.29208557.
Hashem, J., Hu, M., Zhang, J., Gao, F. and Chen, C., Inhibition of 2-arachidonoylglycerol metabolism alleviates neuropathology and improves cognitive function in a tau mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, Molecular neurobiology, 2021, 58(8), pp.4122-4133.
Lynch, C.J. and Prus, A.J., Assessment of antidepressant-like effects of dextromethorphan on differential reinforcement of low-rate 72-s performance in rats, Behavioural Pharmacology, 32(7), pp.549-560 (2021).
Figley, M.D., Gu, W., Nanson, J.D., Shi, Y., Sasaki, Y., Cunnea, K., Malde, A.K., Jia, X., Luo, Z., Saikot, F.K. and Mosaiab, T., SARM1 is a metabolic sensor activated by an increased NMN/NAD+ ratio to trigger axon degeneration, Neuron, 109(7), pp.1118-1136 (2021).
Lituma, P.J., Mechanisms of Information Transfer and Storage in the Mammalian Hippocampus. Albert Einstein College of Med. ProQuest Dissert. Pub. 2021.28720978.
Ogbeide-Latario, O., The Role of Slow-Wave-Sleep in Hippocampus-Dependent Memory in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (Doctoral dissertation), eScholarship@UMassChan (2021)
Francesconi, W., Berton, F., Olivera-Pasilio, V. and Dabrowska, J., Oxytocin excites BNST interneurons and inhibits BNST output neurons to the central amygdala, Neuropharmacology, 192, p.108601 (2021).
Fournier, D.I., The Contributions of the Retrosplenial Cortex to Learning and Behavior, Dartmouth College ProQuest Dissert. Pub., 2021.28153748.
Wang, M., Gallo, N.B., Tai, Y., Li, B. and Van Aelst, L., Oligophrenin-1 moderates behavioral responses to stress by regulating parvalbumin interneuron activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, Neuron, 109(10), pp.1636-1656 (2021).
K.A. Amaya, K.S. Smith, Spatially restricted inhibition of cholinergic interneurons in the dorsolateral striatum encourages behavioral exploration, European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(8), pp.2567-2579 (2021).
W.S. Kim, J. Liu, Q. Li, S. Hong, K. Qi, R. Cherukuri, B.-J. Yoon, J. Moscarello, Y. Choe, S. Maren, S. Il Park, AI-driven high-throughput automation of behavioral analysis and dual-channel wireless optogenetics for multiplexing brain dynamics, bioRxiv, 09.23.461279 (2021);
R.L. Ressler, T.D. Goode, S. Kim, K.R. Ramanathan, S. Maren, Covert capture and attenuation of a hippocampus-dependent fear memory, Nat Neurosci. 24(5):677-684 (2021).
Saucisse N, Mazier W, Simon V, Binder E, Catania C, Bellocchio L, Romanov RA, Léon S, Matias I, Zizzari P, Quarta C., Functional heterogeneity of POMC neurons relies on mTORC1 signaling, Cell Reports, 2021 Oct 12;37(2):109800.
Manning EE, Geramita MA, Piantadosi SC, Pierson JL, Ahmari SE., Distinct patterns of abnormal lateral orbitofrontal cortex activity during compulsive grooming and reversal learning normalize after fluoxetine, Biological Psychiatry, 2021 Nov 27.
Wu T, Zhu J, Strickland A, Ko KW, Sasaki Y, Dingwall CB, Yamada Y, Figley MD, Mao X, Neiner A, Bloom AJ., Neurotoxins subvert the allosteric activation mechanism of SARM1 to induce neuronal loss, Cell reports, 2021 Oct 19;37(3):109872.
Manning EE, Geramita MA, Piantadosi SC, Ahmari SE., Independent and distinct patterns of abnormal lateral orbitofrontal cortex activity during compulsive grooming and reversal learning normalize after fluoxetine, bioRxiv, 2021 Jan 1.
Yates JR, Horchar MJ, Ellis AL, Kappesser JL, Mbambu P, Sutphin TG, Dehner DS, Igwe HO, Wright MR., Differential effects of glutamate N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists on risky choice as assessed in the risky decision task, Psychopharmacology, 2021 Jan;238(1):133-48.
Wang Y, Guo R, Chen B, Rahman T, Cai L, Li Y, Dong Y, Tseng GC, Fang J, Seney ML, Huang YH., Cocaine-induced neural adaptations in the lateral hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone neurons and the role in regulating rapid eye movement sleep after withdrawal, Molecular psychiatry, 2021 Jul;26(7):3152-68.
Hupalo S, Spencer RC, Berridge CW., Prefrontal corticotropin-releasing factor neurons impair sustained attention via distal transmitter release, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021 Jul 1;54(1):4182-96.
Satanove DJ, Rahman S, Chan TM, Ren S, Clarke P., Nicotine-induced enhancement of a sensory reinforcer in adult rats: antagonist pretreatment effects, Psychopharmacology, 2021 Feb;238(2):475-86.
Laham BJ, Diethorn EJ, Gould E., Newborn mice form lasting CA2-dependent memories of their mothers, Cell reports, 2021 Jan 26;34(4):108668.
Delevich K, Hall CD, Wilbrecht L., Prepubertal ovariectomy alters dorsomedial striatum indirect pathway neuron excitability and explore/exploit balance in female mice, bioRxiv. 2021 Jan 1.
Duin AA, Aman L, Schmidt B, Redish AD., Certainty and uncertainty of the future changes planning and sunk costs, Behavioral Neuroscience, 2021 Jun 24.
Koczor CA, Saville KM, Andrews JF, Clark J, Fang Q, Li J, Al-Rahahleh RQ, Ibrahim M, McClellan S, Makarov MV, Migaud ME., Temporal dynamics of base excision/single-strand break repair protein complex assembly/disassembly are modulated by the PARP/NAD+/SIRT6 axis, Cell reports, 2021 Nov 2;37(5):109917.
J.P. Bauer, S.L. Rader, M.E. Joffe, W. Kwon, J. Quay, L. Seanez, C. Zhou, P.J. Conn, A.S. Lewis, Modeling intrahippocampal effects of anterior hippocampal hyperactivity relevant to schizophrenia using chemogenetic excitation of long axis-projecting mossy cells in the mouse dentate gyrus, bioRxiv, pp.2020-12 (2021).
Lituma, P.J., Kwon, H.B., Alviña, K., Luján, R. and Castillo, P.E., Presynaptic NMDA receptors facilitate short-term plasticity and BDNF release at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses, Elife, 10, p.e66612 (2021).
Schmidt, B. and Redish, A.D., Disrupting the medial prefrontal cortex with designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drug alters hippocampal sharp?wave ripples and their associated cognitive processes, Hippocampus, 31(10), pp.1051-1067 (2021).
Emmons, R., Sadok, T., Rovero, N.G., Belnap, M.A., Henderson, H.J., Quan, A.J., Del Toro, N.J. and Halladay, L.R., Chemogenetic manipulation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis counteracts social behavioral deficits induced by early life stress in C57BL/6J mice, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 99(1), pp.90-109 (2021).
Pandey, S. and Barson, J.R., Heightened exploratory behavior following chronic excessive ethanol drinking: Mediation by neurotensin receptor type 2 in the anterior paraventricular thalamus, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(9), pp.1747-1759 (2020).
Tran, F.H., Spears, S.L., Ahn, K.J., Eisch, A.J. and Yun, S., Does chronic systemic injection of the DREADD agonists clozapine-N-oxide or Compound 21 change behavior relevant to locomotion, exploration, anxiety, and depression in male non-DREADD-expressing mice? Neuroscience letters, 739, p.135432 (2020).
Jagtap, P.K.A., Kubelka, T., Soni, K., Will, C.L., Garg, D., Sippel, C., Kapp, T.G., Potukuchi, H.K., Schorpp, K., Hadian, K. and Kessler, H., Identification of phenothiazine derivatives as UHM-binding inhibitors of early spliceosome assembly, Nature Communications, 11(1), p.5621 (2020).
Plaza-Briceño, W., Estay, S.F., de la Fuente-Ortega, E., Gutiérrez, C., Sánchez, G., Hidalgo, C., Chávez, A.E. and Haeger, P.A., N-Methyl-d-Aspartate receptor modulation by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase type 2 drives synaptic plasticity and spatial memory impairments in rats exposed pre-and postnatally to ethanol, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 32(9), pp.602-617 (2020).
Monday, H.R., Bourdenx, M., Jordan, B.A. and Castillo, P.E., CB1-receptor-mediated inhibitory LTD triggers presynaptic remodeling via protein synthesis and ubiquitination, Elife, 9, p.e54812 (2020).
Fitzpatrick, J.M., Minogue, E., Curham, L., Tyrrell, H., Gavigan, P., Hind, W. and Downer, E.J., MyD88-dependent and-independent signalling via TLR3 and TLR4 are differentially modulated by ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol in human macrophages, Journal of neuroimmunology, 343, p.577217 (2020).
Halberstadt, A.L., Chatha, M., Klein, A.K., Wallach, J. and Brandt, S.D., Correlation between the potency of hallucinogens in the mouse head-twitch response assay and their behavioral and subjective effects in other species, Neuropharmacology, 167, p.107933 (2020).
Tétreault, P., Besserer-Offroy, É., Brouillette, R.L., René, A., Murza, A., Fanelli, R., Kirby, K., Parent, A.J., Dubuc, I., Beaudet, N. and Côté, J., Pain relief devoid of opioid side effects following central action of a silylated neurotensin analog, European Journal of Pharmacology, 882, p.173174 (2020).
Trana, F.H., Stella, L.S., Ahna, K.J., Eischa, A.J. and Yuna, S., Does chronic systemic injection of the DREADD agonists clozapine-N-oxide or compound 21 change behavior relevant to locomotion, exploration, anxiety, and depression in male non-DREAD expressing mice? bioRxiv preprint doi:
Dubois, C.J., Fawcett-Patel, J., Katzman, P.A. and Liu, S.J., Inhibitory neurotransmission drives endocannabinoid degradation to promote memory consolidation, Nature Communications, 11(1), p.6407 (2020).
L.A. Bradfield, B.K. Leung, S. Boldt, S. Liang, B.W. Balleine, Goal-directed actions transiently depend on dorsal hippocampus, Nature Neuroscience, 23(10), pp.1194-1197 (2020).
S. Gasparini, J.M. Resch, A.M. Gore, L. Peltekian, J.C. Geerling, Pre-locus coeruleus neurons in rat and mouse, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, Dec 9. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00261.2020.
S. Liu, M. Ye, G.M. Pao, S.M. Song, J. Jhang, S. Han, Identification of a novel breathing circuit that controls pain and anxiety, BioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1.
W. Francesconi, F. Berton, V. Olivera-Pasilio, J. Dabrowska, Oxytocin selectively excites interneurons and inhibits output neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), bioRxiv. (2020).
K.R. Coffey, R.G. Marx, E.K. Vo, S.G. Nair, J. F. Neumaier, Chemogenetic inhibition of lateral habenula projections to the dorsal raphe nucleus reduces passive coping and perseverative reward seeking in rats, Neuropsychopharmacology, 45(7), 1115–1124 (2020),
J.M. Moscarello, Prefrontal cortex projections to the nucleus reuniens suppress freezing following two-way signaled avoidance training, Learning & Memory, 27(3), pp.119-123 (2020).
L.Y. Brown, G.M. Alexander, J. Cushman, S.M. Dudek, Hippocampal CA2 organizes CA1 slow and fast ? oscillations during novel social and object interaction, Eneuro, 2020, 7(2).
C. Abe, Y. Yamaoka, Y. Maejima, T. Mikami, S. Yokota, A. Yamanaka, H. Morita, VGLUT2-expressing neurons in the vestibular nuclear complex mediate gravitational stress-induced hypothermia in mice, Communications Biology, 3, 227 (2020).
N. Nawreen, R. Morano, P. Mahbod, E.M. Cotella, K. Dalal, M. Fitzgerald, S. Martelle, B.A. Packard, R.D. Moloney, J.P. Herman, Chemogenetic Inhibition of Infralimbic Prefrontal Cortex GABA-ergic Parvalbumin-positive Interneurons Attenuates Chronic Stress Adaptions in Male Mice, eNeuro, 7(5), ENEURO.0423-19.2020.
T.F. Giustino, K.R. Ramanathan, M.S. Totty, O.W. Miles, S. Maren, Locus coeruleus norepinephrine drives stress-induced increases in basolateral amygdala firing and impairs extinction learning, Journal of Neuroscience, 40(4), 907-916 (2020).
K.A. Amaya, J.J. Stott, K.S. Smith, Sign-tracking behavior is sensitive to outcome devaluation in a devaluation context-dependent manner: implications for analyzing habitual behavior, Learning & Memory, 27(4), 136-149 (2020).
Shaik, T.B., Malik, M.S., Routhu, S.R., Seddigi, Z.S., Althagafi, I.I. and Kamal, A., Evaluation of anticancer and anti-mitotic properties of quinazoline and quinazolino-benzothiadiazine derivatives, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry-Anti-Cancer Agents), 20(5), pp.599-611 (2020).
Trujillo-Pisanty, I., Conover, K., Solis, P., Palacios, D. and Shizgal, P., Dopamine neurons do not constitute an obligatory stage in the final common path for the evaluation and pursuit of brain stimulation reward, PLoS One, 15(6), p.e0226722 (2020).
Levinstein, M.R., Diversity of Lateral Habenula Neuron Roles in Negative Valence Events, University of Washington ProQuest Dissert. Pub., 2020.28262240
Yoo, J.I., Daugherty, P.S. and O’Malley, M.A., Bridging non-overlapping reads illuminates high-order epistasis between distal protein sites in a GPCR, Nature communications, 11(1), p.690 (2020).
Wang, Y., Bouabid, S., Darvas, M. and Zhou, F.M., The antiparkinson drug ropinirole inhibits movement in a Parkinson's disease mouse model with residual dopamine neurons, Experimental Neurology, 333, p.113427 (2020).
Bardgett, M.E., Downnen, T., Crane, C., Thompson, E.C.B., Muncie, B., Steffen, S.A., Yates, J.R. and Pauly, J.R., Chronic risperidone administration leads to greater amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference, Neuropharmacology, 2020, 179, p.108276.
Asrican, B., Wooten, J., Li, Y.D., Quintanilla, L., Zhang, F., Wander, C., Bao, H., Yeh, C.Y., Luo, Y.J., Olsen, R. and Lim, S.A., Neuropeptides modulate local astrocytes to regulate adult hippocampal neural stem cells, Neuron, 108(2), pp.349-366 (2020).
Li, Y., Bao, H., Luo, Y., Yoan, C., Sullivan, H.A., Quintanilla, L., Wickersham, I., Lazarus, M., Shih, Y.Y.I. and Song, J., Supramammillary nucleus synchronizes with dentate gyrus to regulate spatial memory retrieval through glutamate release, elife, 9, p.e53129 (2020).
Li, Y., Bao, H., Luo, Y., Yoan, C., Sullivan, H.A., Quintanilla, L., Wickersham, I., Lazarus, M., Shih, Y.Y.I. and Song, J., Supramammillary nucleus synchronizes with dentate gyrus to regulate spatial memory retrieval through glutamate release, elife, 9, p.e53129 (2020).
Giannotti, G., Heinsbroek, J.A., Yue, A.J., Deisseroth, K. and Peters, J., Prefrontal cortex neuronal ensembles encoding fear drive fear expression during long-term memory retrieval, Scientific reports, 9(1), p.10709 (2019).
Bardgett, M.E., Crane, C., Thompson, E.C.B., Cox, B. and Downnen, T., The effects of amphetamine on working memory and locomotor activity in adult rats administered risperidone early in life, Behavioural Brain Research, 2019, 362, pp.64-70.
Noble EE, Wang Z, Liu CM, Davis EA, Suarez AN, Stein LM, Tsan L, Terrill SJ, Hsu TM, Jung AH, Raycraft LM, Hahn JD, Darvas M, Cortella AM, Schier LA, Johnson AW, Hayes MR, Holschneider DP, Kanoski SE, Hypothalamus-hippocampus circuitry regulates impulsivity via melanin-concentrating hormone, Nature Communications, 2019.10(1), p.4923.
E.B. Smedley, A. DiLeo, K.S. Smith, Circuit directionality for motivation: lateral accumbens-pallidum, but not pallidum-accumbens, connections regulate motivational attraction to reward cues, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 162, pp.23-35(2019).
T.F. Giustino, P.J. Fitzgerald, R.L. Ressler, S. Maren, Locus coeruleus toggles reciprocal prefrontal firing to reinstate fear, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(17), 8570-8575 (2019).
A.F. Scheyer, M. Borsoi, J. Wager-Miller, A-L. Pelissier-Alicot, M.N. Murphy, K. Mackie, O.J.J. Manzoni, Cannabinoid exposure via lactation in rats disrupts perinatal programming of the GABA trajectory and select early-life behaviors, Biological Psychiatry, 2019-09, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.08.023.
B. Chamberlain, Investigating the role of striatal spiny projection neurons in compulsive behaviors, Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh (2019).
S. Crowel, An Examination of Affective Blunting in Rodents, All NMU Master's Theses, 598 (2019).
B. Schmidt, A.A. Duin, A.D. Redish, Disrupting the medial prefrontal cortex alters hippocampal sequences during deliberative decision making, Journal of Neurophysiology, 121(6), 1981-2000 (2019).
N.R. Sciolino, C.M. Mazzone, N.W. Plummer, I. Evsyukova, J. Amin, K.G. Smith, C.A. McGee, S.A. Fry, C.X. Yang, J.M. Powell, M.R. Bruchas, A role for the locus coeruleus in the modulation of feeding, bioRxiv, 12.18.881599 (2019).
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